Another bad year for me? And…

.. with a fucking bad start because of the antisocial firecracker time. 5 days before new New Year’s Eve and 2 after the New Year’s Eve! And the long time slots i don´t wanna mention when these fucking shit antisocial people did the firecracker stuff. What is fucking wrong the the people??? When they will ban the friecrackers for amateurs? My nerves aren´t here with me anymore. And this comes along with my bad psychological and bad physically situation.

For other distraction i watch again the great series Twin Peaks from creator David Lynch. There was a new introduction when it was rerun on the Bravo cable network in 1993. It was performed by Catherine Coulson as The Log Lady. From the episode E. 17, S. 2.. So shockingly current:
„Sometimes, well let’s say all times, things are changing.
We are judged as human beings on how we treat our fellow human beings. How do you treat your fellow human beings?
At night, just before sleep, as you lay by yourself in the dark, how do you feel about yourself? Are you proud of your behavior? Are you ashamed of your behavior?
You know in your heart if you have hurt someone, you know. If you have hurt someone, don’t wait another day before making things right. The world could break apart with sadness in the meantime.“
Today on January 6th the first competition 2024 (running, 5km cross run) i participate, yes i did!, and it was so fucking bad. Couldn´t get into the running flow. Hard to breath, my stomach hurt bad and i thought all the way to give up. But in the end i did it with the time 26:55? Could be proud but all the fucking bad all-day life kills me! Here the cross run post…

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